Husband and wife, Jerry and Frances have been a staple in the wrestling community for over 20 years. They are the resident athletic trainers. So, on October 25, 2022 when Frances started experiencing severe vertigo and had to opt out of a wrestling tournament, Jerry knew something was up.
After a few hours of being confined to a bed, Frances was groggy, dizzy, and sensitive to light.
And then she began experiencing numbness on her left side - she was having a stroke. Frances called Jerry who rushed her to a hospital. Life-saving measures were taken and Frances spent 6 days in the hospital. But the stroke was devastating.
Frances lost function of her entire left-side, the ability walk, perform ordinary tasks, and most-devastatingly, her independence. And, of course, her ability to help at wrestling events! Pictured here, she smiled through the tragedy and refused to be broken by any diagnosis.
Frances is confined to a wheelchair. Jerry cannot work because his full-time job is now caring for his wife. Doctors have left Frances with the advice to watch you tube videos as a form of rehabilitation therapy.
Many friends and family rally to try to raise funds to subsidize the loss of income, donate time and physical therapy sessions, and lift up their hands and hit their knees in prayer for her recovery. And on the 16th day after her stroke, Frances came into our Recovery Center to begin her hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
For her first treatment, she opted to go into our sit-up chamber - the HYOX, fondly known as “Starship.” Jerry lifted her from her wheelchair and set her on the pull-out seat. Still smiling, she began a recovery journey of a lifetime…
Frances is three treatments into a process that what we call “front-loading.” The idea here is to do five treatments consecutively in an attempt to get ahead of damage and accelerate capillary growth.
In addition to her hyperbaric oxygen treatments, she is receiving physical therapy geared towards rebuilding her ability to walk. Although if you ask Jerry, this ability is secondary to what he wants to come back first – her ability to use her arm… “to cook again!”
After her third treatment, Frances is beginning to, with much assistance, walk. She fully leans on Jerry for support, but, with her signature smile, she throws her left leg forward for one step and then two and then a few more... until she reaches Starship.
Once seated, Jerry lifts lift her legs into place and comfortably positions her arm. Jerry, like all of us, is excited by the progress so far. Even though it isn’t her cooking arm…
In the words of Frances’ husband himself : “PRAISE THE LORD SHE’S BACK BABY!”
After only seven treatments of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Frances feels up to going back to her second home for the past 20 years – a wrestling tournament. Her main way of getting around is still in her wheelchair, although she is beginning to get some use out of a cane as well.
Pictured here, our incredible stroke survivor stands leaning on Jerry.
Today was an amazing day. On the day of her 11th treatment, Frances WALKED into our facility with a cane.
According to Jerry, she was determined to walk from the parking lot into our facility … so she did just that. And Jerry, the supportive husband he is, parked in the farthest parking space from our center. What a guy!
In total, she probably walked 200 yards!
Frances no longer has to throw her left leg in front of her in an effort to walk but is actually bending her knee and bringing it up and back down. In other words, function of her leg is returning.
We challenge you. Next time you take a step, think of Frances: Take a step in her shoes and thank God for the miracle it is to walk!
Just as the excitement of her last journey into our Recovery Center died down, Frances gave us reason for another celebration …
After only 13 treatments in our hyperbaric chambers, Frances once again shocked us by walking, without any assistance, to the chamber.
In wrestling, you’re taught to set high standards for yourself. To work hard to achieve far reaching goals. And to never, ever give up.
Frances and Jerry live this. Faced with a diagnosis of being in a wheelchair with slim hope of ever returning to normal, they set high standards, sought out help, and continue to have an unwavering belief that she will regain independence once again.
On December 9, 2022 Frances brought tears to the eyes of everyone in our Center when she, with the heart of a wrestler, walked … I say again, walked … into our facility. No cane. No Jerry to lean on. From the parking lot.
And, of course with a smile to polish off the moment…
No one can say it any better than Jerry did:
We did this brain test/scan on December 15 and even the neurologist [who had originally] stated that HBOT might not work "cuz there are no scientific studies on it" [had a change in perspective].
We got a call from the doctor himself this morning saying that my wife’s brain is NORMAL considering the fact that she had a major stroke and what caused it.
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for this miracle and thank you Coach Cal, Miss Monica, Catania and Mike of THE TREIGNING LAB for everything!!!
Not to forget all of you from The Sanctuary Church, Wrestling & Jiu Jitsu family for all the love & continued prayers …
After 22 hyperbaric oxygen treatments, Frances’ brain is functioning normally.
Here at the Recovery Center, it was business as usual. Until we received an exciting message from the Laforteza family:
Frances was moving her left hand!
For a couple weeks, Frances had been experiencing some spasms and phantom feelings in her left hand but had been unable to move it voluntarily. After 24 treatments, Frances finally started being able to move her left hand.
Frances continues to make progress. She and her family took a week long break from her treatments for a much-needed vacation to Monterey and Utah. Jerry adds that it was anonymously all expense paid - Thank you to the generous people that made their vacation possible!
Will she run? Dance? Cook Dinner? (Jerry hopes) We’re sure she will. All with a smile and all in due time … Stay tuned for another update on our incredible stroke patient!